How Yoga Can Help Teenagers

Most of the exceptionally talented teenagers practice yoga regularly. It is an effective habit that helps in the development of the body and mind. Yoga improves memory and focus. It also makes the muscles strong and flexible. It provides a balance and a positive mindset, especially during the teenage phase of hormonal changes.
The health of an adolescent requires constant attention and regulation. The height and weight increase, the energy levels are high, intuition and creativity is developed. Students take part in different extracurricular activities that involve both physical and mental expertise. Teenage girls become more aware of the hormonal changes that make them uncomfortable. There is increased stress of performing well in all subjects. Managing all aspects of teenage years is possible with the daily practice of yoga.
Here’s how yoga helps teenagers stay active physically and mentally.
Yoga channelizes the intense physical energy
The physical changes due to hyperactive hormones in teenagers is a wonderful thing. Teens use every opportunity to take risks and follow their passion without any worry. When this energy is directed towards sports, it can produce a basketball or an athletic champion. In an active state, the brain speeds its functioning, giving the best results in studies. This enthusiasm can also result in overstretching that puts pressure on the joints and ligaments. The stress of performance can make a youngster restless and tired.
Yoga makes the muscles, joints, and ligaments strong that prepares teenagers for high-quality performance. The stretches in yoga release tight muscles and make the body flexible. Just doing different variations of Surya Namaskar activates the body and mind.
Yoga improves decision-making process
Yoga and meditation work on calming the mind under challenging situations. The stress of performance is overwhelming for students. It can have an extremely contrasting effect on the mind. The pressure may lead to anxiety and sleeplessness, or it can make a person lose confidence. There is a tendency to fall into unhealthy habits of addiction and eating junk food. These conditions can result in impulsive and angry behavior. Yoga brings control and balance to the brain. In a relaxed yet alert state of meditation, the concentration improves. The students can make better decisions about working towards their goals. Applying the principles of yoga philosophy humbles students towards their strengths. At the same time, it also increases the will to work hard on overcoming weaknesses.
Yoga brings inner awareness
The outside world is busy and distracting. Trendy gadgets occupy a teenager's time, lots of attractive options to eat and drink, and the body can endure difficult tasks. Over time if the unhealthy habits are not removed, they can cause many disorders. Yoga has proved to be an effective practice that works on inner awareness. Focusing on breathing techniques or practicing positive visualization is difficult for a beginner student of yoga. For example, in Yin Yoga, a person has to hold a pose for several minutes and let the bodywork mobility by itself. This practice is essential for teenagers to understand the power within. Allowing things to work at their own pace brings clarity and patience.
Yoga follows the discipline of nature
Most teenagers love to sleep a lot. Sleeping late because of constant mobile interruption are unhealthy habits. Oversleeping leads to waking up late that delays a lot of tasks and makes the body feel tired most of the time. Maintaining a balanced life is difficult during the teenage years. The daily practice of yoga increases the level of Melatonin in the body. Melatonin is the hormone that is released during sleep. Practicing Yoga Nidra and Restorative Yoga helps sleep better and wake up refreshed. Yoga principles work best when the discipline of nature is followed. Waking up early to do a yoga practice, mindful eating habits, and helping others are some basic habits that should be included in daily lifestyle.
The best way to maintain good health while enjoying the teenage phase is by practicing yoga. Many schools have included yoga as a necessary part of their curriculum. Yoga helps maintain the overall health of a growing teenager. The personality of a teenager becomes more positive when yoga is practiced daily. Adolescents become confident when the body and mind are balanced. It becomes easier to manage body weight and an upright posture.
As the experienced yoga teacher at Arhanta Yoga Ashram Marzia Bendotti explains that yoga helps teenagers to become adults with self-awareness, responsibility, respect for themselves and others, as well as our planet.